How to become a certified CranioSacral Therapist
There are two levels of certification, Techniques and Diplomat which are described below:
CranioSacral Therapy Techniques (available after CST2)
CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate (available after ADV1)
The benefits of CST certification are on many levels. As a CST-certified therapist, you:
- Affirm your capabilities and understanding of the techniques
- Build confidence in the minds of your patient/clients that you are highly skilled in the modality
- Help build the case for local and national governmental recognition
- Play a pivotal role in securing the rights of all qualified therapists to practice CST
- Receive “Certified” designation in the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners listing
- Are eligible to use the UI logo in your advertising and on business cards

Program Overview
Testing at either level involves three examination phases: open book essay, objective (multiple choice, true/false questions), and practical/oral (administered by certified examiners).
Along with your application, please provide a copy of your hands-on licensure document or equivalent documentation indicating legal ability to practice. CST certification is not designed at this time to serve as a hands-on license.
Certification Requirements
Level One – Techniques
- Successful completion of UI CranioSacral
- Therapy 1 and 2
- Techniques-level essay exam
- Techniques-level objective exam
- Techniques-level practical/oral exam (includes testing of ability to apply CST)
Level Two – Diplomat
- Successful completion of Advanced 1 CranioSacral Therapy
- Successful passing of all Techniques-level requirements
- Diplomate-level essay exam
- Diplomate-level objective exam
- Diplomate-level practical/oral exam (includes testing of ability to apply CST)
- Preceptorship (20 contact hours minimum)
- Five case-history write-ups
- Six hours of CranioSacral Therapy presentation to an organized group (can be in combinations) – OR – a published article on CranioSacral Therapy in a third-party publication
Application Procedures
To begin the application process, you must first officially register for the certification program by calling 021 188 1305 or send an email to xanthe@upledger.co.nz requesting a registration form. After that, an applicant data form will be forwarded to you with a cover letter outlining expectations, such as material you should know and exam logistics.
Upon receipt of your applicant data form, you will be sent the essay test with instructions for completing and returning it to us for grading. With your essay passing notification, you will receive information and instructions regarding the objective and practical/oral exams.
Maintaining Certified Status
UI requires that each therapist certified in CranioSacral Therapy through the UI certification program complete 24 hours every four years of UI-approved continuing education. This may be in the form of UI CST courses (participating or assisting), mentorship, symposiums, research conferences or preceptorships. UI reserves the right to revoke certification for actions deemed inappropriate by the certification ethics committee.
Costs of Certifying
Techniques: NZ $400
One (1) essay exam and exam review
One (1) sitting for objective written and practical/oral exam (additional NZ$150 to retake any unpassed portion)
* Testing site may involve additional fee depending on location.
Diplomate Level: Additional NZ$400
One (1) essay exam and exam review
One (1) sitting for objective written and practical/oral exam (additional NZ$150 to retake any unpassed portion)
* Diplomate applicant may take both level exams simultaneously.
* Preceptorship and/or testing site may involve additional fee depending on location.